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dripping wet中文是什么意思

用"dripping wet"造句"dripping wet"怎么读"dripping wet" in a sentence


  • 湿透地;湿淋淋地


  • Coming out of a fountain dripping wet with the same man , who is not your betrothed
  • Actaeon lies in wait for diana , the huntress hunted , to see her finally dripping wet at her bath , resting from hunt
  • Thanks to his words , dripping wet i soared in the clouds all along the way back until we reached that apartment of his so big one can go crazy anywhere in it
  • They were indeed a queer - looking party that assembled on the bank - the birds with draggled feathers , the animals with their fur clinging close to them , and all dripping wet , cross , and uncomfortable
  • The early stage of bph can bring frequent urination , especially serious frequent urination in night , and will happen gently urinary hesitation , urinate with powerful abdomen force , urination weakness , thin stream of urine or urine bifurcate , dripping wet , urinary incontinence , even retention of urine
用"dripping wet"造句  
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